“… tells its stories with simplicity and heart.”
“The debut album by Petra Eichstaedt shows potential for this evolving artist. As the saying goes, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with at single step,” and Petra’s first venture as a solo recording artist shows that she is on firm footing and following a promising creative path. I’ll look forward to her continuing adventures.”
Music and Media Focus by Michael Diamond
New feature article “Little Things Of Life” by Michael Diamond
“Peaceful and beautiful music”
“After a busy hectic day, this is great music to calm down to.”
Peter Cox on Your Music Blog
“Traumhaft schöne Melodien verpackt in vielfältige Arrangements”
“Runterkommen, abschalten und eintauchen. Dem Alltag entfliehen. Lassen Sie sich in Eichstaedts ganz eigene Klangwelten führen. Ob heiter und gelassen wie im Titelstück “My Own Little World”, melancholisch und sehnsuchtsvoll wie z.B. bei “Clandestino” oder dynamisch und packend wie in “Gypsy” – Eichstaedts Stücke haben jedes für sich einen ganz eigenen Charakter – und dennoch auch eines gemeinsam: traumhaft schöne Melodien verpackt in vielfältige Arrangements. Stücke, die im Ohr hängen bleiben. Und die garantiert für eine positive und entspannte Stimmung sorgen. Dabei spielen die Gitarren immer die tragende Rolle. Mal kraftvoll, mal zart und filigran.
Ob pur und akustisch oder verstärkt mit elektronischen Effekten, ob kombiniert mit Streichern, Mundharmonika oder der irischen tin whistle: Mike Oldfield hätte ganz sicher seine helle Freude an dieser einfallsreichen Musik.”
“Tunes that stay in your memory and give you a positive and relaxed mood”
“Calm down, relax and immerserse yourself in this: Let the daily struggles behind you and get lost in Eichstaedts unique sound worlds. May they be cheerful and serene as in the title track “My Own Little World”, may they be melancholic and full of desire as in “Clandestino”, or catchy and dynamic as in “Gypsy” – Eichstaedts tunes each have their very own nature – but they also have some things in common: exceptionally beautiful melodies wrapped in multi-faceted arrangements. Tunes that stay in your memory and give you a positive and relaxed mood.
Alll of them are based on exceptional guitar work – sometimes powerful, sometimes tender and delicate.Sometimes pure and unplugged, sometimes enhanced by electronic effects. Sometimes combined with strings, harmonica or tin whistle: Mike Oldfield would certainly love this imaginative music.”
“Un magnífico álbum”
“Un magnífico álbum donde una melódica guitarra se une a diferentes instrumentos musicales y sonidos ambientales, dando forma a una atmósfera alegre, placentera e imaginativa.”
Alejandro Clavijo on Reviews New Age